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Hélion. La prose du monde

Hélion. La prose du monde : Jean Hélion. Défense d’. 1943, huile sur toile, 101,8 x 81 cm. Collection particulière, avec le concours de Malingue S. A.   

The exhibition

"They're not going to get me," he said. And they didn't. A pioneer of abstraction who turned to figuration, Jean Hélion was a poet who escaped reality, fighting against blindness to the things of art and life. The traitor was a hero, and the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris is proud to honor him.

Extract from the article by Emmanuel Daydé published in N°110 of the magazine Art Absolument. Published on 2 July 2024


22/03/2024 - 18/08/2024
