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Benoit Lemercier, Fragments de Métaréalité

Benoit Lemercier, Fragments de Métaréalité : Benoit Lemercier, Supercordes, 2024, acier peint, H. 205 cm.   

The exhibition

From May 23 to June 22, 2024, Galerie Dutko presents a solo exhibition by French artist Benoit Lemercier entitled Fragments de Métaréalité. It features steel sculptures from one of his main series, “Supercordes”, as well as canvases from his most recent work, “Hénosis”. The geometric structures are composed of supple, angular forms in black or white monochrome, and can be hung on walls or exhibited outdoors. Through his multi-disciplinary artistic production, which offers infinite vanishing points and perspectives, he highlights the part of the universe we don't perceive. It is this elusive reality, filled with information, waves and energies, that Benoit Lemercier attempts to materialize through sculpture and drawing, a process he calls “Metareality”. As he puts it “the object of my work is to give form to the invisible”.

The artist divides his work into five different series. In his view, they represent fragments of a universe more complex than what our senses reveal. He organizes his production around scientific theories evoking the world of the infinitely small, the infinitely large and the fourth spatial dimension. His interest is in this research, because it questions the way we perceive reality. Indeed, the exhibition catalog features an interview between the artist and Henri-François Debailleux, in which the latter asks him about his relationship with science: “I've always been convinced [...] that the world around us is far more complex than what our senses allow us to perceive [...], and for this I have indeed, from the outset, leaned on scientific and mathematical theories, but in a poetic way, to give substance to my various series”, he replies. he replies. When asked how he would describe his creations, Benoit Lemercier declares: “The subject of my work is to try to bring harmony”, and cites in particular his new “Hénosis” series, in which he merges two of his works to highlight duality and unity. The latter, with its balanced composition, seeks to represent the point of union between the infinitely large and the infinitely small by bringing together “Hypercubes”, a set of black sculptures, and “Supercords” in white, representing, respectively, different theoretical points of view. The result is acrylics on canvas with the characteristic shapes of the artist's work on a flat surface.

By Lou Mariaye.


23/05/2024 - 22/06/2024
