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Gérard Taride, Notes interdites

Gérard Taride, Notes interdites : A gauche. No Records. 2024, 125 x 100 x 345 cm. A droite. No Keyboards. 2024, 136 x 100 x 350 cm.   

The exhibition

With Forbidden Notes, Taride revisits his favorite themes and invites us to explore several rooms where installations are arranged.
Each uses a specific medium – images, sounds, video – echoing the theme of musical censorship. The latter is notably illustrated by a video installation recalling the Degenerated Music exhibition of 1938 organized by the Nazi regime. Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, who boasted of "subjugating culture to the fundamental principles of National Socialism1", had banned all music going against fascist ideology. Jazz, modern and classical music composed by Jewish or communist authors are presented in “cabinets of horrors”, with the paradoxical aim of removing all ideological power. At a time when art and culture embody strong symbols of freedom, both for artists and for their opponents, Taride's work questions our own ideological excesses.

Excerpt from the article by Sélène Potier published in No. 110 of the Art Absolument magazine.


05/07/2024 - 30/11/2024

