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Marisol : une rétrospective.

Marisol : une rétrospective. : Marisol (1930-2016), Baby Girl [Petite fille], 1963. Collection Buffalo AKG Art Museum. Don de Seymour H. Knox, Jr., 1964 (K1964:8). © Estate of Marisol / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo Brenda Bieger, Buffalo AKG Art Museum   

The exhibition

Marisol, Pop's missing star

Bringing together 250 works and building on the artist's extensive bequest to the Buffalo Museum following his death in 2016, this retrospective, which will tour North America to Toledo, Buffalo and Dallas, is a milestone in the recognition of his work.

Tom Laurent


07/10/2023 - 21/01/2024
