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Livia De Poli. À corps et à cris

Livia De Poli. À corps et à cris : Livia De Poli, Entrelacs, 2022   

The exhibition

Interlacing as a mirror of the soul of Livia De Poli

It is with emotion that Livia De Poli (1948) presents her new interlacing, this interlacing of curves that intersect, in which she has let a large part of her being flow. The Italian artist admits it herself, like a modern-day Flaubert: "My interlacing is me", and this link between the work and its creator is more than perceptible. The title of the exhibition at Galerie XXI - "À corps et à cris" - is as poetic as it is significant, revealing the power and emotion that overwhelms the artist during creation. It is basically his "psychic state that crystallizes in the volutes and takes shape in space, at the artist's fingertips", born of his perceptions and exploration of his own consciousness. In her interlacing, the fragility of the porcelain bears witness to her own inner life, the material is an extension of her heart, a continuity of her soul. The viewer admires her technical prowess which perfectly combines softness of curves and hardness of porcelain, symbolism and contrast in a seamless harmony. A touching artistic self-portrait, even more powerful than a simple description.

Lolita Fragneau


04/06/2022 - 16/07/2022
