Yves Zurstrassen

1956 (Liège)
Living in : Bruxelles et Viens (Vaucluse)
Working in : Bruxelles et Viens (Vaucluse)
Artist's webSite
Artist's gallery

Located in the rural suburbs of Brussels, in the premises of a former hosiery factory, his studio is like a big boat where everything is in order. Over the years, Yves Zurstrassen has given himself the means his painting required: vast and luminous working, hanging and storage spaces that provide him with the conditions for reflection, research and experimentation that are best suited to his practice. Zurstrassen's art is required by a form of formal abstraction, paradoxically embodied, which plays with tradition and modernity, which composes with conventional practices and sophisticated technical means and which aims to re-enchant the world.

Artist's issues