Eric Rondepierre
1950 (Orléans)
Living in : Paris
Working in : Paris
Artist's webSite
Artist's gallery
Eric Rondepierre, initially an actor, then turned - via painting - to photographic work linked to the cinema. His artistic activity plays on the dynamic relationship between his two practices. It includes both a photographic work that has been the subject of multiple exhibitions in France and abroad since the early 90s, and a writing work, which, conducted simultaneously, has given rise to theoretical or fictional texts.
Living in : Paris
Working in : Paris
Artist's webSite
Artist's gallery
Eric Rondepierre, initially an actor, then turned - via painting - to photographic work linked to the cinema. His artistic activity plays on the dynamic relationship between his two practices. It includes both a photographic work that has been the subject of multiple exhibitions in France and abroad since the early 90s, and a writing work, which, conducted simultaneously, has given rise to theoretical or fictional texts.
Artist's exhibitions

Éric Rondepierre. Effets secondaires
31/10/2015 - 19/12/2015(Paris) Galerie Isabelle Gounod

Éric Rondepierre. Images secondes
04/02/2015 - 05/04/2015(Paris) Maison européenne de la photographie

Eric Rondepierre-Documents, scènes, légendes
07/02/2012 - 25/03/2012(Metz) Arsenal Metz

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

Abolir les mythes
18/06/2011 - 18/09/2011(Chalon-sur-Saône) Musée Nicéphore Niepce
Plus d'expositions