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Assaf Shoshan

1973 (Jérusalem)
Living in : Tel Aviv et Paris
Working in : Tel Aviv et Paris
Artist's gallery

"I grew up in a village in Sinai that no longer exists. I have made several series of portraits, landscapes and videos in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. In my work, I try to question the strange political situation and the daily life of the inhabitants of a society on the brink of collapse.
I don't make war pictures. My work never speaks directly about the conflict that has been going on here for 100 years. But the anxiety, the waiting, the absence linked to this war are always mysteriously present. I interrogate questions of identity and belonging, the feeling of strangeness. My vision is influenced by my own history as the grandson of immigrants and refugees who chose to live in a foreign country. What interests me is to show the fragility of life in Israel today and the temporary dimension of the human condition."

Photo © Laura Piani

Artist's issues

Artist's exhibitions

Assaf Shoshan. Standing at the front.

30/03/2017 - 12/05/2017
(Paris) La Frontiera

36/36 Les artistes fêtent les 80 ans des congés payés

17/06/2016 - 10/09/2016
(Paris) Assemblée Nationale

Assaf Shoshan - Peines Partagées

26/09/2014 - 28/09/2014
(Rome) Académie de France à Rome - Villa Medici

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