Zoulikha Bouabdellah

1977 (Moscou)
Living in : Casablanca
Working in : Casablanca
Artist's webSite
Artist's gallery

Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Cergy, Zoulika Bouadbellah, of Algerian origin, uses all mediums: sculptures, videos, photographs, installations... In her work, both conceptual and playful, sensual and political, she mixes references to Western and Eastern society. Already internationally renowned, she has exhibited in Paris, Dubai, Miami, Berlin and Cape Town. She explains her approach, which questions the status of the image: "The dominant, truncated representations appear definitive and absolute. Clichés are a limit to plenitude and prevent us from understanding the world with serenity and disinterestedness... My artistic research consists in giving myself the task of representing a world to be redefined. "

Artist's issues

Artist's exhibitions

La Collection Barjeel. 100 chefs d'oeuvre de l'art moderne et contemporain arabe

28/02/2017 - 02/07/2017
(Paris) Institut du monde arabe

L'Iris de Lucy. Artistes africaines contemporaines

08/07/2016 - 15/12/2016
(Rochechouart) Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne

Body Talk

30/10/2015 - 17/01/2016
(Metz) 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

Cherchez l'erreur

15/01/2015 - 19/04/2015
(Paris) Institut des Cultures d'Islam - Léon

Plus d'expositions