Guy de Malherbe

1958 (Boulogne-Billancourt)
Living in : Paris
Working in : Paris
Artist's webSite
Artist's gallery

In the manner of the artist himself, who disclaims all knowledge in the face of the suggestions of the place, Guy de Malherbe's painting initially summons the feeling that gave birth to it: an abandonment to the motif. The perceived reality of the landscape - for example, the beaches of Normandy - is transcribed, as if on a scouting trip, constituting a formal repertoire from which Guy de Malherbe draws in all his later work. In the studio, painting takes over: these elements gleaned from real places are the starting point for a mental reconstruction that leaves a great deal to interpretation and the play of the unconscious.

Artist's issues

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Artist's exhibitions

Guy de Malherbe. Reliefs

17/09/2020 - 31/10/2020
(Paris) Galerie La Forest Divonne

Une Œuvre, Un.e Artiste, Un Jour

30/06/2020 - 15/09/2020
(Paris) Espace Art Absolument

Guy de Malherbe. Le Pied de la falaise

07/09/2016 - 15/10/2016
(Paris) Galerie La Forest Divonne

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

Guy de Malherbe et Jean-Bernard Métais

05/05/2015 - 11/07/2015
(Paris) Galerie La Forest Divonne

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