1606 (Leyde) / 1669 (Amsterdam)
"What matters is that he paints what no one else has ever painted, but which he - the unorthodox, the independent, the inventive, the daring, the sometimes arbitrary, the too often lost in thought Rembrandt van Rijn, or rather the precarious (temporary) man who bears the name Rembrandt van Rijn, for that too (the artist's name is ultimately nothing - who chose to explore the truth (of his art), must be the witness (the ferryman)! Almost two centuries before Courbet, two before Van Gogh and Cézanne, he puts his virtuosity at the service of Man (of man)."
© Pascal Amel, Art Absolument n°19, Winter 2006/2007
"What matters is that he paints what no one else has ever painted, but which he - the unorthodox, the independent, the inventive, the daring, the sometimes arbitrary, the too often lost in thought Rembrandt van Rijn, or rather the precarious (temporary) man who bears the name Rembrandt van Rijn, for that too (the artist's name is ultimately nothing - who chose to explore the truth (of his art), must be the witness (the ferryman)! Almost two centuries before Courbet, two before Van Gogh and Cézanne, he puts his virtuosity at the service of Man (of man)."
© Pascal Amel, Art Absolument n°19, Winter 2006/2007
Artist's exhibitions

Devenir Matisse. "Ce que les maîtres ont de meilleur..."
09/11/2019 - 09/02/2020(Le Cateau-Cambrésis) Musée Matisse le Cateau-Cambrésis

Rembrandt intime
16/09/2016 - 23/01/2017(Paris) Musée Jacquemart André

Rembrandt en noir & blanc
26/02/2016 - 29/05/2016(Lille) Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

En route ! Dessins néerlandais de paysage
30/01/2016 - 30/04/2016(Paris) Fondation Custodia
Plus d'expositions