Claude Viallat

1936 (Nîmes)
Living in : Nîmes
Working in : Nîmes
Artist's gallery

Founding member of the Supports/Surfaces group, Claude Viallat adopted over thirty-five years ago a process of imprinting an identical form resembling a skeleton, the repetition of which on the canvas determines the composition. His work, which praises colour, thus develops from one medium to another, questioning the components of painting.

Artist's issues

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Artist's exhibitions

Thierry le Saëc. La canopée. Poésie et peinture.

18/07/2020 - 23/08/2020
(Le Hezo) Atelier du Hezo / Art contemporain

IN SITU - Patrimoine et art contemporain

17/06/2017 - 17/09/2017
(Narbonne) La Région Occitanie, Pyrénées-Méditerranée

Evidences Singulières. Jean-Michel Meurice et ses amis

01/04/2017 - 23/07/2017
(Béthune) Labanque - Centre de production et diffusion en arts visuels


36/36 Les artistes fêtent les 80 ans des congés payés

17/06/2016 - 10/09/2016
(Paris) Assemblée Nationale

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