Jean Gaudaire-Thor
1947 (Sens)
Living in : Paris et Sens
Working in : Paris et Sens
Artist's gallery
Painter, sculptor and graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Métiers d'Art de Paris, he has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Europe and the United States. Since 2003, he has produced nearly 400 works, photographs, works on paper and canvas based on the legend and poetic universe of Arthur Rimbaud.
Living in : Paris et Sens
Working in : Paris et Sens
Artist's gallery
Painter, sculptor and graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Métiers d'Art de Paris, he has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Europe and the United States. Since 2003, he has produced nearly 400 works, photographs, works on paper and canvas based on the legend and poetic universe of Arthur Rimbaud.
Artist's articles
Artist's exhibitions

L'Entretien de la Peinture
06/03/2021 - 22/05/2021(Paris) Espace Art Absolument

Une Œuvre, Un.e Artiste, Un Jour
30/06/2020 - 15/09/2020(Paris) Espace Art Absolument

Préhistoire et art contemporain
13/07/2019 - 18/08/2019(Le Hezo) Atelier du Hezo / Art contemporain

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

36/36 Les artistes fêtent les 80 ans des congés payés
17/06/2016 - 10/09/2016(Paris) Assemblée Nationale
Plus d'expositions