Exhibitions to discover

S'éclairer sans fin, Edi Dubien

10/12/2024 - 04/05/2025
(Paris) Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Chiharu Shiota : The Soul Trembles (Les Frémissements de l’âme

11/12/2024 - 19/03/2025
(Paris) Grand Palais

Paysages mouvants

07/02/2025 - 23/03/2025
(Paris) Jeu de Paume



17/10/2024 - 05/01/2025
(Paris) Palais de Tokyo

L’esprit du geste

05/10/2024 - 16/02/2025
(Paris) Institut des Cultures d'Islam - Léon

Muriel Gani, Prix Art Absolument des Réalités Nouvelles 2024

28/01/2025 - 05/04/2025
(Paris) Espace Commines

Pop Forever. Tom Wesselmann &…,

17/10/2024 - 24/02/2025
(Paris) Fondation Louis Vuitton

Chaque vie est une histoire, 200 regards sur l’immigration

08/11/2024 - 09/02/2025
(Paris) Musée de l'histoire de l'Immigration

Terres d'artistes

17/01/2025 - 15/03/2025
(Paris) Espace Art Absolument

Un nouveau soleil se lève sur le quartier Matignon Saint-Honoré sous le regard des galeries parisiennes

01/10/2024 - 28/09/2025
(Paris) Galerie Raphaël Durazzo

Hors format

09/11/2024 - 21/09/2025
(Saint-Priest-en-Jarez) Musée d’Art moderne de Saint Etienne

Brand New!

09/11/2024 - 09/03/2025
(Saint-Priest-en-Jarez) Musée d’Art moderne de Saint Etienne

Cerith Wyn Evans, Lueurs empruntées à Metz

01/11/2024 - 14/04/2025
(Metz) Centre Pompidou-Metz

Les Senn, collectionneurs et mécènes

16/11/2024 - 23/02/2025
(Le Havre) MuMa - Musée d’art moderne André Malraux

Un ciel intérieur

28/09/2024 - 06/04/2025
(Chatou) Musée d'Art et de Culture Soufis MTO

Eugène Carrière, de tendresse et d’amitié

17/10/2024 - 16/02/2025
(Saint-Cloud) Musée des Avelines de Saint-Cloud

Love & Discover

In the continuity of the state of mind of the magazine since its creation, Art Absolument wishes to show contemporary art under the prism of the long duration, to explore the art and its milenial history and plural world, in its varied forms and meanings, sharing discoveries and singular looks. To appreciate the works, one must know them and "feel" them, listen to what their authors say, go to the places where they are visible.

Think & Discuss

Space of appreciation and knowledge, Art Absolutely is an actor when it also introduces the debate, by speaking in forums or focus on active women in the field of art. Inviting personalities, promoting exchanges between members of the Club Art Absolument, organizing visits to institutions, ...  is to give grist to grind to think of art.

Choose & collect

Considering the collection as an active link to art and artists, Art Absolument gives collectors the opportunity to meet, learn and interact with artists. It is in this proximity that the Collection Art Absolument was created and that the Espace Art Absolument works.

The Art Absolument Collection

Art magazines have always accompanied the creations of the artists of their time when they thought they would also be tomorrow’s artists. 

In the history of art magazines, there are some amazing exemples, André Breton’s Le Minotaure, the Maeght journals, and in our days Parkett in Switzerland… The function of an art magazine like ours being that it brings forward artworks of contemporary artists living in France it deems to be crucial, we have decided to create an original edition of 30 large format (75 x 105 cm) prints.

Different techniques have been selected : lithograph; woodblock printing; linocut; … We like the medium that unite eye and hand, shadows and light. We like what it implies in the creativity of the line and of optical variations. We have chosen a large format because it renews printing by liberating an original inventiveness.  We have also chosen it because the sensation of a large format stays one the jubilation of contemporary art. 

We have placed orders with many well known artists living and working in France. Our way, through the Collection Art Absolument, of sharing with you what we value. 

The prints that you can discover below are also available at the Espace Art Absolument.