Nabil Boutros
1954 (Cairo)
Living in : Paris et Le Caire
Working in : Paris et Le Caire
Artist's webSite
Nabil Boutros' photographs are born at the crossroads. Between East and West. Elsewhere and now. Like Japanese origami, these paper flowers unfold in a thousand perspectives where the eye circulates. As truths open and close. Religious, political or social. Multiple and unstable. They resist the simplification of the media and the spectacular. Because they are not consumed by the flesh of the image. Because they are not smooth. They have a chiaroscuro skin, and a slightly blurred grain. They attract and resist, like a body that gives itself and then suddenly withdraws. Bearing the wrinkles of history, like a face they look at themselves: in depth or on the surface, from afar or in detail. But always they question or lose in their night. And like the taste of a kiss, they are never forgotten. Because they remain, their lights, like a burst of colour. Buried somewhere, in the attic of the eye.
Living in : Paris et Le Caire
Working in : Paris et Le Caire
Artist's webSite
Nabil Boutros' photographs are born at the crossroads. Between East and West. Elsewhere and now. Like Japanese origami, these paper flowers unfold in a thousand perspectives where the eye circulates. As truths open and close. Religious, political or social. Multiple and unstable. They resist the simplification of the media and the spectacular. Because they are not consumed by the flesh of the image. Because they are not smooth. They have a chiaroscuro skin, and a slightly blurred grain. They attract and resist, like a body that gives itself and then suddenly withdraws. Bearing the wrinkles of history, like a face they look at themselves: in depth or on the surface, from afar or in detail. But always they question or lose in their night. And like the taste of a kiss, they are never forgotten. Because they remain, their lights, like a burst of colour. Buried somewhere, in the attic of the eye.
Artist's exhibitions

Nabil Boutros, I wish I was in Egypt
20/07/2023 - 21/01/2024(Las Palmas) CAAM - Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno

36/36 Les artistes fêtent les 80 ans des congés payés
17/06/2016 - 10/09/2016(Paris) Assemblée Nationale

Nabil Boutros – C’est l’usine !
27/09/2013 - 16/02/2014(Saint-Ouen) Espace 1789

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

16/05/2009 - 16/06/2009(Rabat) Galeries Bab Rouah et Bab El Kébir
Plus d'expositions