Christian Sorg
1941 (Paris)
Living in : Paris, Vézelay et Calaceite (Teruel)
Working in : Paris, Vézelay et Calaceite (Teruel)
Artist's webSite
"As a teenager, I had casts of the Venuses of Brassempouy, Willendorf and Lespugue and also two bulls. Since then, they have never left my workshops, very naturally, and in my library was L'Art de l'âge du reindeer in France by Abbé Breuil, acquired from the publisher of Cahiers d'Art, Christian Zervos. I also saw the caves of Lascaux and Pech Merle. Mains in-verses is a painting that I presented in 2014 in the gallery of the theater of Privas, during the exhibition The Artists of the Chauvet cave and contemporary artists on the occasion of the opening of the facsimile of the Chauvet cave, invited by the magazine Faire-part for the publication of the Combe d'Arc number, the reverse hands. I used there - close to the prehistoric negative hands or the panels of palm prints with red earth - the palm print in vibrations of yellow, red and brown colors. I remember the very strong presence that comes from the ois, because there is no pictorial demonstration in relation to a chosen subject. I like this presence in relation to the passage of time, whether it is five or eighteen thousand years."
Christian Sorg
Living in : Paris, Vézelay et Calaceite (Teruel)
Working in : Paris, Vézelay et Calaceite (Teruel)
Artist's webSite
"As a teenager, I had casts of the Venuses of Brassempouy, Willendorf and Lespugue and also two bulls. Since then, they have never left my workshops, very naturally, and in my library was L'Art de l'âge du reindeer in France by Abbé Breuil, acquired from the publisher of Cahiers d'Art, Christian Zervos. I also saw the caves of Lascaux and Pech Merle. Mains in-verses is a painting that I presented in 2014 in the gallery of the theater of Privas, during the exhibition The Artists of the Chauvet cave and contemporary artists on the occasion of the opening of the facsimile of the Chauvet cave, invited by the magazine Faire-part for the publication of the Combe d'Arc number, the reverse hands. I used there - close to the prehistoric negative hands or the panels of palm prints with red earth - the palm print in vibrations of yellow, red and brown colors. I remember the very strong presence that comes from the ois, because there is no pictorial demonstration in relation to a chosen subject. I like this presence in relation to the passage of time, whether it is five or eighteen thousand years."
Christian Sorg
Artist's exhibitions
Christian Sorg, Peindre pour dire le monde
01/06/2024 - 29/09/2024(Saumur) Centre d'art contemporain Bouvet-Ladubay
Christian Sorg. Oeuvres récentes
15/02/2023 - 08/04/2023(Paris) Galerie Dutko (espace Voltaire)
L'Entretien de la Peinture
06/03/2021 - 22/05/2021(Paris) Espace Art Absolument
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