1475 (Caprese) / 1564 (Rome)
Michelangelo marked the history of art by his qualities as a sculptor, poet, architect and painter. From his adolescence he received an artistic education based on the work of the ancients and antiquity. He was also welcomed by Lorenzo de' Medici who became his patron. Michelangelo distinguished himself by a mastery and a know-how without equal, his most noticed works are the last judgment of the Sistine Chapel and the David.
Michelangelo marked the history of art by his qualities as a sculptor, poet, architect and painter. From his adolescence he received an artistic education based on the work of the ancients and antiquity. He was also welcomed by Lorenzo de' Medici who became his patron. Michelangelo distinguished himself by a mastery and a know-how without equal, his most noticed works are the last judgment of the Sistine Chapel and the David.
Artist's exhibitions

Naples à Paris : le Louvre invite le musée de Capodimonte
07/06/2023 - 08/01/2024(Paris) Musée du Louvre

Gribouillage / Scarabocchio. De Léonard de Vinci à Cy Twombly.
14/02/2023 - 30/04/2023(Paris) Palais des Beaux-Arts

Drapé. Degas, Christo, Michel-Ange, Rodin, Man Ray, Dürer…
30/11/2019 - 08/03/2020(Lyon) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Abonnez-vous à Art Absolument

L’Œil extatique – Sergueï Eisenstein, cinéaste à la croisée des arts
28/09/2019 - 24/02/2020(Metz) Centre Pompidou-Metz
Plus d'expositions

Coffret: Homme en perspective; Homme en jeu

Généalogies du baroque

La chapelle Sixtine révélée

Les relations de Monsieur Wiertz
