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Les abords du paysage

Les abords du paysage : ©Muséed'artetd'histoireLouisSenlecq   

The exhibition

Claire Illouz surveys a new landscape.

"The surroundings of the landscape" is the technical and emotional interpretation of nature for Claire Illouz. Far from the classical representations of rare flowers in the locus amoenus of the classical age, we return to the primitive nature. Each engraving, like a root inked in the earth, is inscribed on the paper. Eager to experiment, the medium changes towards the capricious silk, the techniques diversify towards the sparse watercolor and each work is intended to be a new landscape to survey. Claire Illouz, artist of the region (Val d'Oise) recreates her nature with forgotten elements: the slopes become for example a symbol of transgression for the artist. These so-called «separate» spaces are for her still blank spaces of representations, where there is everything to dare. Real creator of matter, "The approaches of the landscape", after successive passages in press redefine and model new densities to the drawings.

Claire Illouz, "Les abords du Paysage", Louis-Senlecq Museum of Art and History at L'Isle
Adam, Val-d'Oise. From April 10 to September 18.


10/04/2022 - 18/09/2022
